Domestic Assault Lawyers in Minnesota

Domestic assault in Minnesota is a serious charge that can result in significant consequences to many aspects of the life of the accused. Domestic assault involves an assault against a member of the accused’s family or household. The charge of domestic assault can include a wide variety of possible conduct. Not only can actual harm caused to family or household members result in a domestic assault charge, you may even be charged if a prosecutor believes you committed an act intended to cause fear of bodily harm. Domestic assault charges can be nuanced and it is important to enlist the aid of an experienced domestic assault defense attorney to review your case.

Roseville Domestic Assault Attorneys

If you have been accused of domestic assault, it is imperative that you contact a domestic assault defense attorney immediately. A domestic assault conviction can result in lasting damage to your reputation, livelihood, and even your family. There are many collateral consequences that can accompany a domestic assault conviction including negative impacts on your ability to find employment and housing. Additionally, a domestic assault conviction may impact your ability to own or possess a firearm. The domestic assault attorneys at RAM Law PLLC can provide specific advice regarding your situation and provide the best defense against domestic assault charges that you are facing.

Restraining Order Attorneys

In Minnesota there are three types of restraining orders that may be issued by the court. An Order for Protection (OFP) is a civil order that may be issued in cases involving domestic assault. A Harassment Restraining Order (HRO) is a civil order that a Minnesota court may issue when a person feels threatened by a person who is not a household or family member. Lastly, a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) may be issued by the court where there is alleged domestic assault but the victim has not requested a restraining order. DANCOs are commonly issued by Minnesota courts in domestic assault cases. Victims have no ability to lift a DANCO and they typically remain in place for the entirety of a domestic assault case.

Restraining orders, especially those accompanying a domestic assault case, can have a monumental impact upon a person’s life. A DANCO, in particular, may exclude a defendant from their own residence, award temporary custody of children, and prohibit any contact with the alleged victim along with a variety of other possible conditions.

If you are facing a DANCO or other restraining order being placed against you, it is important that you enlist an experienced domestic assault attorney. The attorneys at RAM Law can help you fight back against the imposition of a DANCO or other restraining order and form the best defense against the charges that you face. Contact RAM Law immediately to schedule your free consultation. Our attorneys can be reached 24/7 at 651-468-2103.


Domestic Assault includes:

  • Causing bodily harm

  • Attempting to cause bodily harm

  • Committing an action intended to cause fear of bodily harm


Restraining Orders:

  • Order for Protection (OFP)

  • Harassment Restraining Order (HRO)

  • Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO)