Have you been charged with a DUI or DWI in Minnesota?

Facing a DUI or DWI charge can be overwhelming no matter your situation. The attorneys at RAM Law PLLC can guide you through facing the criminal charge and assist you in carefully navigating the collateral consequences that such a charge brings with.

DWI charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies. The severity of your DWI charge depends on the facts specific to your situation. DWIs are also enhanceable offenses, which means that a DWI conviction can lead to significantly harsher penalties if you are charged with a subsequent DWI.

In Minnesota, there are four degrees of DWI. This means that, depending on the facts of your situation and your history, you may be facing a charge with a significantly more serious penalty. Prior DWI convictions, an alcohol concentration over .16, or having a child in the vehicle are factors that may raise the level of your charge.

If you have questions about your DWI charge or how to move forward with your case, call the criminal defense attorneys at RAM Law PLLC for a free consultation.


First Degree DWI

  • Felony

  • Maximum penalty of 7 years in prison and/or $14,000 fine

Second Degree DWI

  • Gross Misdemeanor

  • Maximum penalty of 1 year in prison and/or $3,000 fine

Third Degree DWI

  • Gross Misdemeanor

  • Maximum penalty of 1 year in prison and/or $3,000 fine

Fourth Degree DWI

  • Misdemeanor

  • Maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and/or $1,000