Twin Cities Landlord & Tenant Attorneys


RAM Law PLLC represents residential landlords and tenants in all areas of landlord & tenant law. We work with landlords and tenants to address all of their needs concerning residential tenancies, including

  • Preparing, reviewing, and implementing leases

  • Repair and maintenance concerns and disputes

  • Advice concerning compliance with local, state, and federal laws

  • Representation in eviction proceedings

  • All other disputes that arise within a landlord-tenant relationship

Minnesota law concerning landlord and tenant rights is complex and has become even more complicated in recent years. Pandemic rules and regulations have further complicated landlord-tenant relationships and have made eviction proceedings more difficult to navigate.

It is important that landlords and tenants retain knowledgeable Twin Cities’ landlord & tenant attorneys to represent them in evictions, rent disputes, and all other disputes between landlords and tenants.

Whether you wish to evict a tenant or need assistance reviewing a lease, the attorneys at RAM Law PLLC are happy to discuss your situation and to strategize with you concerning your next steps. Contact the Twin Cities’ landlord-tenant attorneys at RAM Law PLLC by phone at (651) 468-2103.