What is the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment in Minnesota?


Understanding the Minnesota Parenting Time Expense Adjustment

Parenting time arrangements play a critical role in divorce and child custody cases, influencing not only the child's well-being but also the financial obligations of each parent. One key aspect of Minnesota's child support system is the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment. This adjustment reflects the costs associated with the time each parent spends with their child and aims to ensure a fair distribution of financial responsibilities.

What is the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment?

The Parenting Time Expense Adjustment is a mechanism used in Minnesota to adjust the basic child support obligation based on the amount of parenting time each parent has with their child. This adjustment recognizes that both parents incur expenses while caring for their child, and it aims to allocate these costs equitably according to the time spent with the child.

Legal Framework

Minnesota Statutes Section 518A.36 outlines the guidelines for the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment. These guidelines ensure that child support calculations reflect the shared responsibilities of both parents in raising their child, taking into account the direct expenses associated with parenting time.

Calculating the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment

Determining Parenting Time

Parenting time, also known as visitation, refers to the scheduled time a parent spends with their child. It is typically measured in overnights per year. The more overnights a parent has, the greater their direct contribution to the child's day-to-day expenses, such as food, housing, and entertainment.

Applying the Adjustment Formula

To calculate the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment, the following steps are typically followed:

  1. Determine the Basic Support Obligation: Calculate the total basic child support obligation based on the combined gross incomes of both parents, as outlined in the Minnesota child support guidelines.

  2. Calculate the Proportionate Share: Determine each parent's proportionate share of the combined parental income for child support.

  3. Adjust for Parenting Time: Apply the appropriate adjustment based on the number of overnights.

  4. Calculate the Adjusted Basic Support Obligation: Subtract the parenting time adjustment from the basic support obligation to determine each parent's adjusted support obligation.

Practical Implications of the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment

Financial Impact on Parents

The Parenting Time Expense Adjustment can significantly impact the financial responsibilities of both parents. Parents with more parenting time will see a reduction in their basic support obligation, reflecting their direct contribution to the child's daily expenses. Conversely, the parent with less parenting time may have a higher support obligation to balance the overall financial support provided to the child.

Encouraging Shared Parenting

The adjustment incentivizes shared parenting arrangements by recognizing and compensating the financial contributions of both parents. This approach promotes a more balanced distribution of parenting responsibilities, encouraging both parents to remain actively involved in their child's upbringing.

Legal and Custody Considerations

When determining child support, Minnesota courts consider the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment alongside other factors, such as the child's best interests and the parents' financial circumstances. Legal representation is essential to navigate the complexities of these calculations and ensure that the support order is fair and in compliance with state guidelines.

Modifying Child Support

Changes in parenting time arrangements or financial circumstances may necessitate a modification of the child support order. Either parent can request a modification if there is a substantial change in circumstances, such as:

  • A significant change in the number of overnights.

  • Changes in income or employment status.

  • Changes in the child's needs or expenses.


The Parenting Time Expense Adjustment is a crucial element of Minnesota's child support system, ensuring that financial responsibilities are fairly distributed according to each parent's involvement in their child's life. By accounting for the direct expenses associated with parenting time, this adjustment promotes equitable support arrangements and encourages shared parenting. Understanding the calculation and implications of the Parenting Time Expense Adjustment is essential for both parents and legal professionals involved in child support matters. At RAM Law PLLC, our experienced family law attorneys are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of child support and achieve a fair and balanced outcome. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your child support case.